My glass !!
Day- by-day I lose My Day...
My soul feels the dire need,
to fill my half-filled glass.
Tracking down the memory line
I have failed to find the way
Which would lead me up to my Day !!
Lonely and alone in the blue bay
I yearned for my fulfilled glass.
Overcome by fears and misgivings
I daily lose my day in my dreams.
Shattered my heart cells cry again
And find it hard to oxygenate my brain...
Glancing through the reflecting glass
My eyes wince at the unfulfilled part.
Tears filled eyes glance at me -
Ready to roll down the cheeks
and reach my half-filled glass...
My hands reach to grab away the glass,
I vow to fill not my glass...
Nothing is at loss....
My kid is there to fill the glass..
Her achievements are my task.
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