Poetry Is Life Distilled
Poetry Blog


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Thursday, December 01, 2005


as graceful she appears to be
prakriti the ancients named it
in general parlance she is shakti
the creatrix mother Kali.
none can decipher her intention
nor when she will held us under her detention
as graceful as she appears to be
her thunderous strike manifest
absent of warning.

in light graceful dance
Mother Kali rise in torrential gush
She embraced many in her tight grip
She let a few slips through the relaxed gaps.
in sudden revolution,
KALI THE MOTHER appeared with her rhythmic dance
an evolution misunderstood by many.

a mask of MAYA propelled
mankind goes just through another birth
a birth in death
a birth in life
MOTHER KALI the all powerful prakriti,
love personified
though bountiful in her gift
through finely woven fiery anger
the dancer KALI THE MOTHER
rises on occasion
stomping her feet in occasional atomic dance.

the naked eyes sees
weakened mind perceives
mysterious everything seems to be.

conclusion varies……


in her bosom
throughout Her eternal dance
the day 26.12.2004
is but a micro nanosecond.

the LOVE personified
is all bountiful
she degrades none
she praised none
in death she remains one with all
In life she remains the same to all

Her dance called Tsunami
is just one among trillions of dances
MOTHER KALI performs,
eternally she remains a dancer
mysteriously misunderstood
obscured from many.

she alone remains eternally.


Blogger venuss66 said...

I like the way you describe Tsunami. It's a mystery understood by none.

7:08 pm GMT+5:30  

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