Poetry Is Life Distilled
Poetry Blog


By filling it with your wonderful Poetry, it is all of you who have made  Kavitanjali what it is today.
In this section of Kavitanjali, you can upload your poems directly, instead of mailing them to us. Pictures can also be uploaded along with your poems.
Please note:  This blog is for a general audience of all age groups. So kindly avoid using offensive language and adult content.

There is a 'Comments' button below each poem. If all of you comment on other poems while posting yours, everyone would get feedback regularly. You can use the Blogger Search on top of this page to pick out all your poems from this Blog.

The procedure for posting poems here is explained at the bottom of the page.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Raven in the grey winter

Raven in the grey winter

In the cold night of winter
Somewhere in December
When the breezy wind moves about
As though it was blown by sleepy Winter Cloud
As dark as it may be
Shadows of dead trees can be seen
Branches swing from left to right
Like a hundred hands reaching toward the sky for light
A creature that haunts the night
Is sometimes caught in sight
Its eyes glow so red
Those who look? will meet their fate
She rests weakly on a branch
Her body is telling her she’s drenched
Each tear that flows from her eyes
Sparkles with sadness and lies

The curse whispers through the shadows
Crying out soft miserable woes
It crawls and creeps slowly around her
Like a devil’s toddler
She spreads her wings to fly
Only to fall deeper into the cries
She struggles in the shadow of death
She’s about to lose her breath
In the grey winter of misery
Making the sky feel sorrow and sorry
The creature weeps
Because the curse lives forever



Blogger magiceye said...

so tender

8:23 pm GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rajwinraj said...

Thanks my dear friend :)



11:39 am GMT+5:30  

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2. After that please email us at  info@kavitanjali.com  giving your Pen name (Blog Display Name), Name, Address(or City of residence) and email address and we will add you to the list of contributors.  Any information sent will be kept strictly confidential.

3. Thereafter you can come to this page
( http://kavitanjalii.blogspot.com ) & post your poems or comment on other posts whenever you wish, using the "POST"  link at the top of the page.
If you run into any problems or have further doubts, please write to us - info@kavitanjali.com

Please note:  This blog is for a general audience of all age groups. So kindly avoid using offensive language and adult content. Those posting unsuitable language and/or content which is not in tune with the policies of Kavitanjali would be removed from the Contributors list.

If each one comments on just 2 other poems while posting yours, others would also leave their comments on your poems and everyone would get feedback regularly. It is up to each and every one of us to make this place interactive. The pleasure in writing Poetry is vastly enhanced by giving and receiving feedback.




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