Poetry Is Life Distilled
Poetry Blog


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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mere words

Meanings of words differ
some spelt the same
some spelt differently
Thank you
two different words
two different meanings
social expressions are they
magic words are they
losing their magicness
mere words are they?

didgeridoo by cyclopseven

by sending air through hollow bark
a trumpeteer with a trumpet
works a miracle that hums
and put to sleep the sorrow of many;
with the didgeridoos in hand
surrounded by a circle of dance
the aborigines of the land down under
carves a memory in unwritten notes of musical wonder.

Binary opposition

how is it possible?
need to taste
how is it possible?
experience teaches
life is binary opposition
parts and parcel of life.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


HEY DOLL ............
Don't worry whether you can express
yourself or not
because , we know
that you are
the most beautiful expression
of God's own joy and love.......

We also know
that you are an embodiment
of all that we prayed for
to God
and He has sent you to us
as His answer
to our prayers........

Don't ever feel that you have
ever hurt us
or can ever hurt
because,if at all
at any time
we've felt hurt
it is God's way of telling us
that perhaps
we could have loved you more......

Forget your blues
kickstart your days
with the joy and verve
that has been a part of you

Friday, April 28, 2006

poetic hunger by cyclopseven

when I asked
mama, “ I am hungry.
Give me some bread and a cup of coffee”.
Many say, its just a sentence.

when I asked
“hunger kills me mama
wot my stomach have sinned
I know not mama but please mama
spare me a manna so to death goes my hunger
and hot coffee in a cup to halt my tremble”.

now that’s poetry
says many.

I asked again,
“will hunger speaks poetry
when the stomach grumbles in emptiness?”

they say nothing.
“that’s a poetry too”
at least for me.

Azadirachta indica

bitter leaf
better life
the juice that heals
the oil that spills
her barks are tender hard
scraped into dust, made into paste
mother for many, devil for diseases
bitter is her taste for life
yet sweetness she exudes in healing

she - the great Azadirachta indica.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

More wisdom

An old owl am becoming
a wise old ones
sitting in an oak
in the silence of darkness
the more i hear the less i speak
the less i speak the more i hear
a wise decision i have taken


I saw....
jasmine flowers falling
like snow in the morning
in a few seconds....
drifting back to the branches
white butterflies were they
i was just dreaming

(19th.April 2006)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

light - by cyclopseven

lights that shut my iris
strikes me brightly
leaving dark shadow of mine
lie flat on the ground;
oh lights that provoke the shadow
if mere atomic structures you fail to pierce
how do you then alleviate flattening shadows of humanity
from the cascading agitations of their minds?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

wounded man – by cyclopseven

sweet words do not become medicine
to heal the wounded heart,
as the wound bleeds in silent slumber
in deepest layer man lies a slayer.
gentle words mean nothing
for pain is not a pleasant meeting,
silent look may not assist at all
yet at times its welcomed most.
wound that bleeds and pain that slits
makes man a creature that fled
from humanity and from empathy
hardly ever he stops a while
to caress his heart again and again
to regain the strength misplaced
so he may live again a life rightfully placed.

joy and bliss he search and search
hidden and missing, he thinks he is right
unexpectedly he holds them together,
alas!! his enemy the pain strays his path away
telling him fictional lies that joy and bliss is nowhere
and renders him whisper his agony to be blown by wind
in ceaseless fly.

Friday, April 21, 2006

stars – by cyclopseven

when the sun disappears from the sight
easing brightness beneath the night
dotted stars dare to sparkle
in millions they scatter across the firmament;
stars of distance unparallel, carry along inscrutable story
unexplored they remain virgins of the night sky
saturated with legends and myths of beauty unimaginable
they remain hidden in brightness of day
for their virgin beauty only sparkles dazzling in the absence of light,
stars of ages untold, mystifying to eyes of man
they guide the missions of many
including the Magi
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar.

sanity - by cyclopseven

is just two letters short of insanity,
don’t give - in
and lose your rationality
to reveal who’s beneath the skin
across the border.

are we robbers? - by cyclopseven

are we robbers?
are we robbers?

I yell loud passing my voice across the canyon
I let nature speaks in beautiful echoes
answering the quest, echoing not my quest
but answering the quest

“yes you all are”
“yes you all are”
“yes you all are”

“you rob the love of many
hardly you strive to return any;
you rob many of their penny
but rarely pay back the poverty any;
you rob the space for expansion
but you rarely let yourself expand;
you rob many of opportunities
but hardly you create opportunities for the puny;
you rob the soul of its beauty
but never fill the safe, pretty.
you rob many of their roots
replenish none for generations to come”

“in doldrums
the barrels you roll
but no wine and no taste
empty barrels
only emptiness in void”


nature speaks,
intuitively felt.
let us repent
that we rob no more
and we complain no pain
lets expand in mass
with concern for all, the masses.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

life's ultimate ..... cyclopseven

impinged between love and hatred
I wander alone penetrating the veil
that covers the silent night
in search of an answer for many wonders of life;
darkness is indeed mysterious
it conceal many of darkest secrets
leaving me ponder in search of the hidden treasure
a rare commodity lacking in heart;
enticing snare of immodest angels
garbed in pleasure immeasurable
stand guarding the vile thoughts against divine;
I continue my stroll in the stillness of my thoughts
provoking the ensnaring devilish ropes
I failed many times and I fell different ways
but once I stood strong with strength boundless
and a gush of bliss swept through
opening the petals of sweetness
cuddling me in nature’s embrace
and I heard stories of me being born again and again
in the cradle of human civilization;
aghast I stood still awhile
staring at highest heaven within me,
I realized that am born again once more
not to be born again but die anew
to breath with mother nature, eternally.

Monday, April 17, 2006

in death........by cyclopseven

where the wave skips a splash
there give me a resting place,
in peace and serene surrounds
i wish to be entombed and crowned,
so kings shall never follow
to where i am buried
to mask me with golds and pride and power
in death i wish to remain a king
a self void of ropes that bind,


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Abodes of the Gods

Abodes of the Gods, originally uploaded by magiceye.

Locked in stone temples
The creation of humans
Wait for charity.


You are....
the jewel of ones family
the most noble and adorable ones
like a huge umbrella
giving shelter to one and all
so much you have experienced
so much one has learnt
to see you in pain
is a real pain
to see you suffering
is a real suffer
we want the glitter again
we pray and pray and pray
we pray without ceasing
for we know
nothing is impossible
if God is willing
anything beyond
we have to accept
for we know
God knows the best

Thursday, April 13, 2006

uncommon its becoming ..........by cyclopseven

uncommon its becoming
man hardly extends hand without being noticed
generosity prompts many to help and care
pomposity comes along bringing tasteless taste
this kills the life of its aromatic sanctity
yet, man brags in a nook, “my heart is full of humanity”!!.
riding on senses’ uncontrolled lead
many souls trudging waywardly downward
life’s purity priority negated
humanity is but a word heartless
by forgotten mankind to forgotten souls.
expectation conquers every station
from high to low, expectation a supreme play
nothing comes in void, today’s faithful faith
a belief held high on palanquin by man, the capitalists.
musical language spoken soothingly
melting the souls of frozen heart
yet to himself action speaks silently
but he expects others to step down and pull the rake
to clear the debris left behind by him
the so called man made man!!
material sweetness expands human goodness
an artificial life superficially lived,
pluck a desire of man
than a beast shall roam in nightmarish mood
avenging the stumbling blocks.
none is an exception
everyone lives in deception
deceived by none but our own perception
this mankind, void of unconditional love
shall forever live in utmost negation
of the higher world within humanity.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

At Last, the Lime-Tree Bears Fruits!

A lime sapling I found grew up in wild,
In ten years’ time to be a tree quite big;
For long it stayed dwarf-like: refused to grow,
As caterpillars ate its verdure leaves.

And not a flower or a fruit it bore!
Insects built nests and spiders spun cob-webs;
Its roots stood ’midst gravel and rocky mud;
Red-ants made home till ant-powder was put.

How sad it was to see the lime-tree’s fate!
The rain and sun nurtured it despite odds;
And one day when I stared at her foliage,
Amazed I’as to see it covered by fruits!

There is a time for everything on earth;
‘There is a season for all things,’ God says;
The keys to success- patience and strong faith;
God will decide when all things fruition best.

One never knows when God uses someone;
One never knows when God does miracles;
One never should look down upon others;
God has a plan for everything He makes!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 4-11-2006

a grandma ............... by cyclopseven

a grandma
a grand soul in every family
full of experience
the wise ones called it wisdom.
she a panacea for all wounds and scars
of physical and emotion both she heals fast.

my grandma a lady of grit discipline but naïve
now she lies needing help for feeding and changing.
my lord why I don’t understand
a life of pain she bears in silent
when she went rubber tapping
in the darkness of morning sky,
alone she struggled hard
to spoon the many mouths
tapping the milky white rubber
which wheels the world around.
my grandma, Nagammal
a name given to suit the occasion
when she was a few days old
a cobra coiled beneath her sleeping mat
without harming her the least
not even a hiss
surprise, a miracle
it left without a trail
the baby then named Nagammal.
a person very independent
at 81 my grandma a soul that brightens
the heart of my family.
independent was she;
at 81 she still insist on mixing her own drinks
folding her own clothes
plucking the white flowers for garlanding the divine
very neat and precise her work and time
I looked in wonder
Oh grandma you are truly a wonder;
Oh Lord if you love to read poems
read this one of mine
and please spare my grandma, the star of our lives
this life now, let her move independently again
and let her go independently with You, my Lord
please let her live once more
with the same strength
because we still need this firmament of LIVING LOVE.

Monday, April 10, 2006

O Candle-Rose!

O Candle-Rose of rosy hue!
- A gift from sweet a heart;
On Christmas Day to me anew,
Aflame, how do I start?

For, if when lit, your love will glow
And burn my very heart;
And melt the wax forever, Oh!
The Rose could then depart.

O Candle-Rose of beauty great
- A piece of lovely art;
Tho’ burn you must, some day by fate:
How can I do that part?

O Candle- Rose of priceless rate,
Oh, be my living art;
Just like you were to me till date,
Remain my dear sweetheart.
Copyright by Dr John Celes 1-24--2005

Saturday, April 08, 2006

It hurts

.....when a stranger
throws words on your face
it's still alright
couldn't care less
.....when a friend
throws words on your face
it's terrible
it's humilating
it's embarrassing
tears keeps rolling
heart keeps sinking
heart starts bleeding
it's very hurting
after all I have done
do I deserve this?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Life lesson

I have learned
none feels alike
none thinks alike
I have learned
with different perceptions
with different views
I have learned
with different mind set
with different desires
with different intentions
I have learned
what is right for me
always wrong for others
what is wrong for me
always right for others
I have learned
I have learned a lesson
expect too much not
interfere too much not
I have learned
have some distance
beyond the limits not
I have learned
I have learned a good lesson

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

once long ago .................. by cyclopseven

once long ago beyond the threshold of my teenage years
torture and agony were my accompanying companies;
through the days and nights of unnumbered days
my thoughts rambled fiercely across valleys of sorrow
a fight, a solitary struggle to escape from the cocoon that suffocates ensued.
no where to turn to and no ways offered free stride
as no lamp post stood along the way as preceptors
from whose light, rays might have guided me right
alas! my struggle was a solitary fight
I was a lonely soldier fighting a solitary battle
whipping the enemies of continuous rebellious thoughts.

I stood then witnessing this drama as a play of karma
the law of cause and effect tremendously powerful
perfidiously potent than countless nuclear heads
honestly sincere than the divine blessings
in it sprouted this body of mine with pain without shine.
my opposition against the potent karma took me far
far from man and divine I took a stroll towards atheism
yes….divinity is a concept framed by man for man
non existence, a mere superstition
that was then - my argumentative stance.

conviction hold me devotedly strong that god is but a dream
against all beliefs as an antagonist I was gaining firm footing
fighting theism with atheism, the fire burnt wild within
go to hell with god and devas, saints and messengers
I tried hard to brush the veil of pious devotion in many
into pious aversion to theism.
as the stroll goes deeper and deeper a voice once asked me from within
“What different you think you can make my child?”
“If by any mean, you wipe another man’s faith and give him bread,
it won’t do any good to him my child”
“For you disrespect his belief in the presence of yours”
“How can another be happy knowing their very breath of beliefs and faith
being trampled by an antagonist like you?”
“You hurt them more in your selfishness?”
“If God is truly absent from the creation
why you try hard to convince others that He doesn’t exist?”

“Fools carp without commonsense
denying the eyes the vision
denying the ears the sound
denying the tongue the taste
denying the nose the smell
denying the skin the touch”
in denial
I lived with acceptance
karma….cause and effect
is the secret of this perpetual play
the drama called life
I believe
polarity is the essence
of life’s expansions.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Life has got a purpose
live the life with purpose
though very brief
though counting the recorded time
though at times miss the counts
life has got a purpose
life has to go on

has life got a purpose .......... by cyclopseven

has life got a purpose?
or is it an occurrence by chance?

in the twilight of thoughts
spiraling questions render me helpless.

has life got a purpose?
or is it just a beautifully woven fable?

in the darkness of night
swiveling moods made me sleepless.

has life got a purpose?
or is it just an un-diagnosed growth?

often the fable become fragmented reality
fragmented reality becomes manipulative desires
manipulative desires made me succumb a thousand times
as i succumb i kiss the lowest requirements
the lowest requirements made me a slave;
as a slave am not free
am not free because my sense are chained
chained to subjective taste of limited experience
the limited experience once cast a shadow
in that shadow i saw how light was blocked
blocked light failed to brighten me up
and the failure to brighten me up made me reel in pain
as i reel in pain, i yearn for relieve
in the yearning for relieve
i realise life is not a prisoned journey
when i realise life is not a prisoned journey
i crave for liberation;
with that craving i struggled hard
and in the struggle i shed a million tears
after a million tears my senses are not freed
by the clutching sensorial experiences
not freed by the clutching sensorial experiences, i wondered why??
as i wonder why,
i came to sense that
the clutching sensorial experiences are actually the MIND
the MIND gradually cease to clutch the senses
as the senses becoming free
i slip away from the binding desires
lower mind ceases
and amidst the creases, higher MIND appears
from that height, now i see how broad is LIFE

to escape the fleeting desires of lower triple worlds
to adore the One lighting the four upper worlds
and merge eternally into HIM
the ONE throughout eternity.

hope still glimmers ............. by cyclopseven

hope still glimmers a sparkle yonder in a distance
that mankind will return again to humility forgotten;
long ago a trust mankind placed wrongly on foes satanic
the ego centric desires of materialist imperialism;
dragged and drugged we still dance in the wilderness of hypocrisy
thickening flesh increasing sensation to earthly pleasures more and more.

light that sparkles brighter than sun in place high and far
keep mankind kindling the candlelight within another world within
that forsaking us not the divine masterpiece and never will ever
clouded brightness will surely unraveled as the sparkle yonder merge in unison
with the candlelight lit within another world within.

I believe the day is not far without a star
yet I believe too that mankind, we that believe that we are mankind
a status long revoked by many who believe they are still kind man
must toil harder spreading within the love divine wider and wider
touching not the peripheral but the the candlelight, the soul.

believe, have faith that we the mankind enthroned as kings
kings of entire world around shall again encapsulate ourselves
with love selfless that renders divine fraternity
and rule the world within another world within
to proudly renounce the crown of pretentious pretence
and regain the glory lost in the dark ages to the dark forces
and the satanic assailants will be released from our grasp.

that hope still glimmers a sparkle yonder in a distance.

Monday, April 03, 2006

anger................by cyclopseven

is a letter
short of of danger
from indigested thoughts
result of frivolous expectations
anger is danger equals 180/100!!

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