What do you know about our country'India that is Bharat?
Preface : This article was written nearly a decade back in April 1999 on the basis of information then collated from a number of different sources and compiled together by self (BAIYU).As one may observe on going through this writing where ever available the source has been acknowledged and where not done so ,it is based on some information that appeared then on net.
This write up is now being released through this Web site for the pleasure of reading by my Friends and Well wishers of Kavitanjali family and to share their thoughta if any with the compiler (Self)Baiyu.It is meant purely for an enjoyable reading and is not meant to disturb the feelings of any.
Lastly the contents of this writing,being based purely on borrowed information from a number of sources,need not necessarily reflet in some cases the compiler's opinion.
Information given below was compiled from one of the German magazines dealing with World History.
----India is the only country that has not invaded any other country in her last Ten thousand years of History.
----It is the only society in the world ,which has never known slavery.
----It is in this country where the number system was first invented when Aryabhatta invented the number Zero.
----It was again in this country that the world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC.The University of Nalanda built in 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of anciant India in the field of education.
----Sanscrit,the mother tongue of all languages,had its origin in this country and being most precise is considered a suitable language for computer soft ware (Ref.Forbes Magazine --July 97.)
----It was in this country that Ayurveda,the earliest school of Medicine known to Humans,was consolidated by Charaka,the Father of Medicines,nearly 2500 years ago and is the only known system which takes a Holistic View of the person being treated.
----India was the Richest Country on Earth until the time of British in the early
17th century and attracted by its wealth Christopher Columbas,while looking for a route to India discoered the American Continent.
----It was in the River Sindh in this country that the art of Navigation was born 6000 years ago.The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word Navgatih and the word Navy is derived from the Sanscrit word "Nou".
----It was again in this country way back in 5th century AD,long before the Astronomer Smart came on the scene,it was BHASKARACHRYA,who was the first to establish the time taken by the earth to orbit the Sun at 365.258756484 days.
----Similarly the value of PAI was first calculated by Budhayana and it was he who was the first to explain the concept of what is now known as the Pythogorean theory way back in 6th century AD long before the European mathematician.
----Algebra,Trigonometry and Calculus originated from India.Quadratic equations were propounded by Sridharacharya in the 11th century AD.
----The largest number used by Greeks and Romans was 10 to the power 6 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10 to the power 53 with specific names way back in 5000BC during the Vedic period.
----According to the Gemological Institute of USA,until as recent as 1896,India was the only source for Diamonds to the World.
----USA based IEEE proved what has been a century old suspicion in the World scientific community that the pioneer of Wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
----The earliest Reservoir and Dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.According to Saka King Rudradaman-I of 150 BC a beautiful lake aptly called Sudarshana was constucted on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya's time.
----Chess (Shataranja or Asthapada)was invented in India.
----Susrruta,the Father of Surgery,way back 2600 years ago,along with other surgeons of his time,conducted complicated surgeries like Cesareans,Cataract,Artificial Limbs,Fractures,Urinary Stones and even Plastic and Brain surgery.
----Usage of Anesthetia was well known in ancient India.Over 125 surgical Instruements were then in use.Deep knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology,Ethiology, Embryology, Digestion metabolism Genetics and Immunity are also found in many texts.
----When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago,Indians established Harapan culture in Indus Valley Civilisation.
----The Decimal system was developed in India way back in 100 BC.
----If this is not adequate,would you like to know what two leading personalities from the West have to say about India?
----Albert Einstein has said----
----"We owe a lot to the Indians ,who taught us how to count without which no worthehile scientific Discovery could have been made."
----Mark Twain has said ------
----" India is -----
*The cradle of the Human Race.
*The Birth place of Human speech.
----*The Mother of History.
----*The Grandmother og Legend.
----*And The Great Grndmother of tradition".
Such a great Country of ours ,which in the past had left Foot Steps for others to follow,is today being considered Under Developed, taken for granted and as one of little consequence.OH, what a fall is this my Countrymen?You, I and all of us have fallen due to our own making.If we are the cause for this fall,we alone are the ones who can make our Country arise.
Well Friends,would you not then like to know what the French Peer ,NOSTRODAMOUS, the man 'who saw tomorrow'has to say about the future of INDIA as he saw it more than 400 years ago and as found recorded in Quatrain in his famous 'Centuries'published way back in 1555.
Quatrain 50 Century
-----"From the Peninsula where three seas meet
-----Comes the Ruler to whom Thursday is holy
-----His Wisdom and Might all Nations will greet
-----To oppose him in Asia will be folly".
Quatrain 75 Century
-----"Long awaited He will not take birth in Europe
-----India will produce the Immortal Ruler
-----Seeing Wisdom and Power of unlimited scope
-----The World will bow to this conquering scholar".
Nostradamus predicts a glorious future for India.He has foreseen the rise of a mighty all conquering Hindu Nation.Its birth is close at hand.The Seer predicts that after a gruesome Holy War spread over nearly Seven years from the early current 21st century the ancient way of Hinduism will get restored.Vedic chants will again fill the air.The French Peer predicts that after the end of the war starting from around the end of this decade,from around 2020 AD onwards the Restucturing of our country would begin and spread over the following three decades,the Golden Age Of India will get restored from 2050 onwards.
To Conclude
Life thrives on hope.History is known to repeat itself.
May the above prophesy of the French Peer come true and may this country of ours,India that is Bharat,arise to lead the world once again.
Compiled by---------- Mumbai
Baiyu April 1999.