Poetry Is Life Distilled
Poetry Blog


By filling it with your wonderful Poetry, it is all of you who have made  Kavitanjali what it is today.
In this section of Kavitanjali, you can upload your poems directly, instead of mailing them to us. Pictures can also be uploaded along with your poems.
Please note:  This blog is for a general audience of all age groups. So kindly avoid using offensive language and adult content.

There is a 'Comments' button below each poem. If all of you comment on other poems while posting yours, everyone would get feedback regularly. You can use the Blogger Search on top of this page to pick out all your poems from this Blog.

The procedure for posting poems here is explained at the bottom of the page.


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Friday, July 13, 2007

Wild Winds

Winds from the past eternally wild
Through generations of various creations
The winds hazardously seductive
Leaving generations of mankind sinking
In the mire of pleasure and attachment
Chaotically rendered them soulless
That between man, his brothers he
Hesitates not to lie and kill.

Subtle indeed the desires that blow
Into inferno it has easily grown
To put off the fire that burns the soul
Mankind turns to many directions
In search of masters and religions
Yet find not in one, the way of his peace.

Winds from the past eternally wild
Through subtle kisses that soothes the mind
She seduces mankind with so my binds
With promises sweet and smiles enchanting
Until the fallen couldn’t crawl
The death remain alive
While the living heartlessly dead.

When will the wind be subdued?
Mankind poses the ultimate query
Leaving the secrets locked within each
and every one of us
we walk daily distancing ourselves
from the path of harmony
while keep asking

when will the wind be subdued?

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 070707.

Candlelight Loneliness

Just when I thought I am alone tonight
The candlelight flickers in wild dance
Imaging my shadow on the opposite wall
Reminding of a company constantly with me.

©cyclopseven. All right reserved 240507.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Silenced to what not---

Silenced to what not….

When, what I think as my deft fingers
were cleaning those tartar and stain
on the white china teacups, by my sink,
shining and polished as one would be
tempted to store water as the tap is on,
my eyes were enamored by the paintings
of pairs of paramours dancing in their
native attires Rajastani, Gujarati, Bengali,
should I hold them or throw them?
I was silenced to what not.

The lazy mistress of the house,
accumulated dust and treasure alike,
fashion and fancy and cuisine comfort
blinded her civic sense,
She became obstreperous and fractious,
I was silenced to what not.

When clamor and clutter in a
high minded way suppressed facts
like gun powder wrecking families asunder,
Posing the upper hand of honesty,
I was silenced to what not.

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2. After that please email us at  info@kavitanjali.com  giving your Pen name (Blog Display Name), Name, Address(or City of residence) and email address and we will add you to the list of contributors.  Any information sent will be kept strictly confidential.

3. Thereafter you can come to this page
( http://kavitanjalii.blogspot.com ) & post your poems or comment on other posts whenever you wish, using the "POST"  link at the top of the page.
If you run into any problems or have further doubts, please write to us - info@kavitanjali.com

Please note:  This blog is for a general audience of all age groups. So kindly avoid using offensive language and adult content. Those posting unsuitable language and/or content which is not in tune with the policies of Kavitanjali would be removed from the Contributors list.

If each one comments on just 2 other poems while posting yours, others would also leave their comments on your poems and everyone would get feedback regularly. It is up to each and every one of us to make this place interactive. The pleasure in writing Poetry is vastly enhanced by giving and receiving feedback.




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